Angel's trumpet This shrub is related to the thorn apple. It is a dangerous plant, as all parts are poisonous. There are mainly found in lowland areas towards the coast.
Apple of Peru There are related to the edible-fruited cape gooseberry, but with bell-shaped blue flowers. It is more likely to be mildly poisonous.
Apple of Sodom This shrub is fairly large mottled berry . It produces green and white when immature and yellow at maturity.It is poisoning for children
Arum lily All parts are poisonous especially the attractive spikes of yellow-orange berries. There is mainly affect the alimentary system from the mouth downwards. It also can cause suddenly burning in the mouth and throat as well as stomach pains and vomiting,.
Bittersweet The small purple flowers and shining scarlet berries are poisonous. Often found in south island.
Black nightshade This plant is only moderately toxic and the ripe black berries, which are similar to black currants. It was found in Christchurch. True deadly nightshade has a relatively large bell-shaped, brownish-purple flower, as opposed to the white star-like flowers of black nightshade.
Boxthorn - The orange-red berries are probably poisonous. The green spines on box thorn are often not noticed until the bushes are touched. It grown wild along the coast, and some gardens.
Broom The seeds are poisonous, especially if chewed and crushed before swallowing.
Castor oil plant The attractively mottled seeds are the usual parts eaten, it may cause a serious effects. The New Zealand plants usually have purple leaves.
Celery-leaved buttercup This is one of the most toxic species of buttercup. It grows in wet places, along streams and around ponds and lakes. The leaves is similar with celery. Contact with mouth and lips can produce blistering.
Cestrums The flower colours ranging from scarlet and rose to white or orange. Fruit colours are white, black, or sometimes red. All parts are very poisonous.
Cherry laurel The small black fruits have a poisonous kernel.
Chilean jasmine . A climbing plant with fragrant white flower. The poisonous white latex is siting in all parts. The long pods are bean-like, but the seeds inside are small and winged.
Corsican hellebore There are poisonous at all parts.
Dumb canes The juice from this plant is very poison
Gloriosa lily. All parts of this beautiful climbing plant are poisonous, especially dangerous if eaten.
Hairy nightshade This plant has mottled green and white fruits that poisonous. It is found in vegetable gardens.
Hellebores These plant are very poisonous at all parts.
Hemlock One of our most poisonous plants; avoid to contact especially young plants and seeds. The unpleasant smell and purple markings on the stem easily isolate this from parsley.
English holly The scarlet berries should not be eaten because they are poisonous
Iceland poppy All parts of this common garden plant are very poisonous.
Inkweed All parts of this plant is poisonous.
Italian arum All parts are very poisonous,Ex.. the orange berries.
Karaka The orange fruits are poisonous. while the fleshy outer part of the fruit can be eaten raw but the kernel containing the seed has to be detoxified before it can be eat. This food was only safe to eat after appropriate process.
Kōwhai The yellow seeds are very poisonous if eaten by ground or crushed before swallowing.
Laburnum The black seeds are very poisonous if they are chewed or crushed before swallowing.
Lantana In New Zealand there are several forms with different coloured flowers and differing degrees of toxicity,
Larkspurs All parts are poisonous even the pretty flowers could cause illness if eaten.
Lily of the valley shrubs these plants are poisonous especially the little white flowers
Lupins . It have poisonous seeds which, if crushed or chewed before being swallowed.
Monkshood All parts of these herbaceous perennials are very poisonous. The toxic can be absorbed through the skin, especially around the mouth.
Morning glories The seeds of some species contain very powerful hallucinogenic drug if they are crushed or chewed before being swallowed.
Moth plant or cruel plant The white latex in all parts of this plant is poisonous.
Ngaio . These very poisonous plants mainly grow near the sea.It can be identified by the pale leaf spots seen when held to the light, and by the purple berries.
Nightshades In any green parts contain poisonous compounds .
Pepper tree The strings of little pink berries and seeds are moderately poisonous.
Persian lilac when this leaves fall the bunches of poisonous yellow fruits .
Poinsettia All of them are poisonous. The milky sap can burn the delicate lining of the mouth.
Poroporo This poisonous green or yellow berries should not be eaten raw, There are scarcely toxic when fresh, and not at all when cooked.
Potato . Potato tubers which are green from light exposure are poisonous.
Rhododendron They have poisonous flowers, and honey made from them is also toxic.
Rhubarb. The leaf blades are poisonous.
.Snowberry bush The white marble-sized berries shrub are poisonous especially after the leaves fall.
Spindle Tree The pink fruits with their orange seeds are attractive but poisonous, as well as all parts of the tree.
Spurges There are poisonous. The milky sap can burn the delicate lining of the mouth
Stinking iris (Iris foetidissima). Some are poisonous
Swan plants Their tissues are full of poisonous white milky latex, Their fruits should not be eaten.
Taro All parts are poisonous. The root and leaves must be cooked properly before being eaten. It will burn the throat if ti didn't properly cooked
Thornapple or datura The black seeds are contain a powerful, dangerous drug, They have white flower trumpet shape.
Tutsan This small shrub is often seen in bush. It should not be eaten.
Tutu All of them are very poisonous. The seeds inside them are poisonous.
Winter rose All parts are poisonous.
Wisteria The pods and seeds of this legume are poisonous
Woolly nightshade They should not be eaten
NZ plant skin irritants
Agapanthus The slimy sap can affect some people's skins.
Garden primulas These plants and contact can cause intense skin irritation. in some person.The common garden weed, scarlet pimpernel. There are belongs to the primula family and may caused dermatitis
Giant hogweed A powerful skin irritant that affects susceptible people more esp
ecially in sunny weather. Located in eastern South Island.
Stinging nettles . There is a common weed of gardens and waste places. It grown in north of the Waikato, the South Island. The stings can cause a numbing effect for several days.
Smoke bushes Contact them can cause inflamma-tion and irritation for susceptible.
Wax-tree or varnish tree Many people suffer blistering and skin inflammation with serious irritation.
Death cap This fungi widespread in New Zealand. Death cap has a yellowish or greenish-white cap.. They have white gills and a volva at the base of the stem at ground level, this being a prominent white cup in the death cap.
The edible mushrooms do not have a volva and the gills are pale pink to deep pink or pinkish brown.